Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cary's been re-admitted to the hospital and currently waiting on a bed.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Home Sweet Home

After a month of being hospitalized, Cary made it home today! So grateful for all the prayers!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Feeding tube

Update from my sis

Took the boys to hospital, Cary doesn't even look like he had his gut ripped open. Insane! Drs are always baffled by how good he looks on outside even though his insides are so fragile and barely holding together. If he can tolerate the tube feeding and quit randomly vomiting half a liter he will get to come home soon. It's emotionally draining to be told he's not coming home one day and see him walking the halls the next day. He's a tough guy I tell you.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not easy

Cary is still in the hospital and recovering from his latest surgery. For those of you not familar with Cary's journey, this is probably around the dozenth surgery if not more that Cary's had in the last 5 years since discovering his ailment. He's now been in the hospital just over three weeks. After hearing from Amanda, Cary's in alot of pain. Asking for prayers for relief. It's hard to watch someone you love suffer.

Continue to pray for all involved. Pray for strength and understand and for those of us in their immediate lives that we may have the wisdom and words to provide support and encouragement..sometimes that means knowing when to remain silent and just let love abound. There are no easy anwers to our questions of why and I suppose the question may never be meant to answered but inevitable Cary's boys have and will ask.

I'm taken back to a conversation I had with my oldest nephew shortly after he learned about the gravity of his daddy's amount of thought can prepare you for that moment and it's then that you understand the deepth of the pain. You'd do anything to take it away..why? Because you love them and yet there is little protection, actually no protection from death. We all will face it and have been marching towards it since we were born.

Death is not an easy concept to explain to a 6 year old...and it's not easy when you yourself are trying to understand it's may seem a finality and in the flesh it is but for those who are in Christ it is merely the vehicle that transforms us to an everlasting life.

I spent last weekend Amanda and the boys. Not wanting to expose Cary to a possible cold, we were unable to visit him. It's not easy to watch them journey down this path but we walk along side them in an effort to give them as much support and love as we can.

We've had a few deaths within family/friend circles in the last week and to be honest none of us know how long Cary has with us. For that matter, we dont really know how much time any of us has. So dont leave words unspoken, dont leave relationships unmended. Time is precious and it's short. Drink in the moments and live as if they might be your last. Let your love be known and life be lived well.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday's update

Thanks to everyone for their prayers! They're appreciated more than you could know! Prayin' Cary comes home soon. He's got some recovery from the surgery to do. Doc had to open him up more than he initially thought. But it's wonderful to see a doctor in action go above and beyond for a patient! Thank your healthcare provider because your gratitude and relationship with them could go a long way to benefit down the road.

Thank you dr Howard! I cried a lot last night cause nurse was mean and I knew she wouldn't take care of Cary. He was hurting she said no orders for pain medicine. She kicked me out at 6 then surgeon went to see Cary about 6:30 and he told the nurses all about Cary history and he let them have it for lying about orders which he wrote before surgery Carys been treated like super star! I'm SO relieved!!! He's not supposed to have cell phone in there but dr gave him his phone so he could call him if anymore trouble. :) what an answer to prayers for relief. Thank you God for not giving us more than we could handle!

My parents and I are visiting this weekend in efforts to help free up some folks and give the boys some love and attention. There have been challenges and tougher days may be ahead but instead of focusing on what may or may not happen, we choose to live in today. To celebrate each moment in life and not take for granted the time we've been afforded.

MNy of you have asked how you can help and at times we've not known how to respond but your prayers and words of wncouragement continue to lift us up to keep fighting the good fight! Your prayers continue to move us. This means more than you could know.

Amanda and Cary's journey has been challenged with Cary's illness but if you know Cary: you know he's not going down without a fight. Cary may have married into our family but he is most certainly a part of ours. What affects Cary affects my sister and theirs boys and certainly affects us. These have been challenging times but we're grateful for the lessons we are learning and for the opportunity to be better people not just to each other but to those who God may see fit to intwrsect with our lives. We pray that we love deeper, give grace more often as we find our footing down this road.

we dont always have the right words to express but we pray God would bless you an your families for all you have done. May we keep the faith together as we face what is to come trusting that the Lord will not give us more than we can handle. His Grace is indeed more than sufficient for us.

The Rasberry/Leyva Family

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Post surgery

From Amanda:
I can't explain how hard it is to watch him crying from pain/anguish. It doesn't get any easier with each round it actually gets harder. I don't understand why he has to suffer and why it has to be so drawn out and torturous despit the thousands of prayers I have offered for mercy on his behalf he still suffers. I suppose the answer is my grace is sufficient. Some things are hard to accept. "and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace". God help us to look past the physical sufferings ESP when they are so overbearing. I'm so sorry you always hurt Cary.

Asking for prayers for relief and comfort!

Jan 12th - Feeding Tube

Surgery to insert a feeding was over five hours due to all the scar tissue from previous surgeries. Procedure went well and Cary is recovering!

I know Amanda's hoping he'll be home soon. He's been in the hospital 2 weeks now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tues, Jan 10 - Needing better days

Just heard from my sister.

Cary's just been taken in for an endoscope to figure out his internal bleeding situation. He had two units of blood yesterday and his hemoglobin is lower than before the transfusion. He'll probably have a feeding tube put in, in the next few days. He's not having a good day today. :(

Prays appreciated as always!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sat, Jan 7th

Cary's still in the hospital and this is from an update from Amanda.

so far still fever free though WBC went up.

Asking for your prayers so Cary can come home.

Friday, January 6, 2012

attempt no 1 to put peripheral line in was failure. We told her he's got no veins but she said we have no other option. Bah! They pulled port out and now she wants to pull pic and stop tpns until infection clears you can imagine our concerns about this decision
from Amanda

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keep the prayers coming!

Update from Amanda:

Right now - no fever. They pulled the current line and put a picc in. They think the fungal infection came from TPNS. He looks pretty good right now for being miserable. They won't do the transfusion until Friday.

I'm checking on blood donations for Cary's transfusion and will post once I have an update.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Update - Cary

Just talked with Cary and he still has a high fever with Sepsis (two different strains - one of which is ecoli). He is still bleeding internally which may be a result from the sepsis or ecoli (may have caused an intestine to burst).

In addition, Cary now has pneumonia with a collapsed lung.

We understand they are going to attempt a blood transfuion tomorrow.

Will post more as info becomes available.

Please continue to pray for Cary's medical condition and the doctors providing for his care. Also pray for Manda and her two small boys - for comfort, peace, and understanding.

Jan 3, 2011

Friends and family,

I know many of you are concerned, just as we are, for Cary, Amanda, and the boys. Many of you want to know what you can do to help.

To make things as easy as possible for my sister, we've decided to post here as many updates as we can to get information out to anyone who's interested. So please feel free to pass along to those who know Cary, Amanda, and family.

Anything we post here is for the purpose of praying for Cary in his current medical situation and keeping you informed. As always, we trust God's plan for Cary and Amanda and interecede in prayer with that in mind.

You can send Cary words of encouragement here, or visit him though we ask if you are ill that you refrain from any personal contact with Cary. He is vvery fragile and our efforts are to protect him. Also, please give preference to Amanda and the boys in spending time with Cary as they need.

Finally, do not be offended for lack of responses or for other requests that may be made. These requests are not intended to be hurtful to anyone but in an effort to protect Cary and give Manda and the boys the time they need with Cary.

Again on behalf of the Rasberry and Leyva Family, we thank you for all your love and support - it means more than you know. We pray you understand. We do not wish to keep any of you out of the loop or away from Cary - we just need to be good stewards and give priority where it is needed.

With the love of Christ
The Rasberry and Leyva Family

P.S - Any messages posted here will be passed along to Amanda and Cary on a regular basis.